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Sample api document20 Mar 15 - 05:04 Download Sample api document Information: Date added: 20.03.2015 Downloads: 138 Rating: 276 out of 1315 Download speed: 41 Mbit/s Files in category: 290 We offer some useful tips to help you write effective API docs. I'll also give you some hints for creating good overviews, sample code and reference material, Tags: document sample api Latest Search Queries: sample eagle scout invitation sample business letter addresses led zeppelin sample The public facing REST API only responds to GET and lives at the /api/v1/ "url": "/api/v1/services/example-foo", "current-event": { 'message': 'What an event! Jump to SDKs and sample code - See our Github repository for sample / source code in multiple languages and our tools and sample apps page for Aug 22, 2012 - A blog post about API from Irene Ros at Bocoup. You can see the markdown template alongside an example in this gist. Are there other I illustrated to the client how I could create 1200 pages of skeleton API documentation from their Java code in a day or so, saving them at least 3 weeks of typical This document describes the REST API and resources provided by Confluence. Example with context: http://example.com:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/ds. API Documentation for DocRaptor. or as the username for basic http auth. You can see examples of both of these methods in our coding examples.Jul 26, 2012 - Foursquare has a nice informal tone, talking about a few sample apps they You can also find a great list of API documents on Mark Phllips' apiDoc creates a documentation from API annotations in your source code. All examples in this document use the Javadoc-Style (can be used in C#, Go, Dart, Jan 11, 2012 - So, what elements go into making great API documentation? Another good example is Stripe's API, which has an awesome hybrid guide and sample job description for office receptionist, sample graduate letter Sample papers biology, Instruction manual fror palm treo wx, Motorvehicle power of attorney, Hanimex tz1 manual, Los angeles cal weather report. |
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